
Week 3—11.01.19

This week, we started studio by having an after-halloween party!
We were also very excited to announced our new leadership:

Studio Lead: Kiera Bailey

Outreach Leads: Team 1—Erin Ckodre | Team 2—Bella West

Media & Marketing Lead: Megan Balden

Member Management Lead: Seth Austin

Congratulations to all of our new leads!

Once we got into business, we began by checking in with each of our teams. The two River Teams were tasked with researching and setting up meetings with their community parters, as well as completing the exercise of creating the Perfect Halloween Costume (read more). 

River Team 1 (Rocket Team) was paired up with the San Marcos River Foundation and the Edwards Aquifer Research & Data Center. They also decided on their team structure: 

Project Lead: Megan Myles
Outreach Lead:
Erin Ckodre
Chantal Lesley

River Team 2 (Team Octopus) was paired with the City of San Marcos/The Discover Center & The Meadows Center. They also decided on their team structure: 

Project Lead: Emily Noland
Outreach Lead:
Bella West
Andres Meza

The National Project Team also has a lot of fun things in the work, and you can read more about that here.

We continued studio by creating a stakeholder  map for our two river teams. We brainstormed as a studio (with the help of our National Project Team) to come up with Users, Direct Influencers, and Indirect Influencers. After some thinking, we found that our project is unique because our user is really the river. After finding this, we could really dive in (no pun intended) on finding the influences surrounding the challenges and river.