
Welcome to DFA TxState’s Project Library! This will be a permanent feature on the site that we use to present and keep a record of our past projects. The three project focuses that are currently featured here were also selected to be shown at SXSW as a part of Innovation Labs.

The launching of this library was put together by dedicated DFAers from our studio working remotely during COVID-19. To our studio, DFA is all about finding innovative new ways to create our projects and work with the community. We hope to continue to explore different ways of displaying our work and to add new projects to our library in the semesters to come.

Global Goals

DFA took part in Global Goals Jam, an event where creative teams work on local challenges related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of Clean Water and Sanitation. On-site research showed trash polluting the bank waters of San Marcos River. This team team made signage based off of the San Marcos Blind Salamander to educate visiting patrons to dispose of waste properly. They wanted to motivate people to clean up their trash and remind them of the direct link between their waste and the environment.

Tiny Trash:
This team chose to focus on Clean Water and Sanitation as a preface to our year-long project on San Marcos waterways. The Tiny Trash project stemmed from on-site research at Rio Vista Park. The team found lots of small pieces of trash and the community members were mostly non-locals. Education on the impact of small pieces of trash inspired us to create an easier disposal system with multi-language support to help encourage all visitors to dispose of their trash properly.

Plastic Film

Plastic Film
This year Design for America’s National Project challenged us to facilitate plastic film recycling in our local community of San Marcos, Texas. We reached out to Texas State University’s recycling center, resident assistants for on-campus housing, and local drop off stations at grocery stores to learn about the current recycling system and if they recycle plastic film. We discovered most community members forget to bring it back to the store, don’t know what plastic film is, and if or how it can be recycled. Our new recycling system couples a clear labeling to inform users of the process and rules, and a portable and compact receptacle to ease plastic film recycling into their routine.

Mental Health

FLOW is a project aimed to improve high school students’ mental health. It combines the organizational aspects of a flow-chart and the fun, interactive feel of an online quiz. Flow starts by asking students fun, simple questions to ease them into the quiz. Then, based on their answers, they pair up with a character to accompany them as they answer questions designed to connect them with resources to suit their needs. At the end of the quiz, FLOW provides the student with the information they need to pursue improved mental health.

Pop-Up Bus:
The Pop-Up Bus was made to help mental wellness of high school students in San Marcos. We talked to local nonprofits and high school teachers and discovered limited awareness, stigma against mental health, and students with internal and at home obstacles, but the biggest challenge was students being without transportation. The Pop-Up Bus was created to provide a way for local nonprofits to take their resources to the students’ neighborhood, library, park, or even high school to provide them with the resources they need.


With the help of community members and our studio we’ve selected a new topic for 2020/2021! Our leadership team is working to get in touch with new community partners that are sure to make a splash.